Arken Expedition
January 25, 2025
Site is
AG Paintball - Weare, NH (View Map).
Site opens at 8:00 AM and closes at 5:00 PM.
Event starts at 10:00 AM, on Saturday January 25, 2025.
Event ends at 04:00 PM, on Saturday January 25, 2025.
Cost is $25.
Cost via PayPal is $25.00 per person.
Pre-registration is suggested (Register for Event).
Midrealm calls for aid! A group of wildfolk have driven people from their homes and have congregated around a stout keep and a rock formation with an eerie mirror sheen. Arken has rallied an expedition to render aid to the area and investigate the resurgence of magic. Glory and loot to all who brave the cold!
Seige magic of old has flaired up causing the following effects:
Arrows and Javelins are considered ghost bladed
Bows and Javelins do not break weapon restriction
regional spell list:
- Protection from missle as per the spell
- Reflect: you may cast magic missle using npc props (Blue crochet balls)
- Mirror Blade: any weapon up to 3'8" that you can weild within your spell restriction you may do so flourintine without breaking restriction
- Reflective alies: Any positive spell you cast on an ally is also applied to you (Heal limb, cure disease, etc)
- Mirror Armor: Any combat call that strikes a legal hit location you may call on your next swing. Unless otherwise resisted you still have to take the call.
- Mirror image: You are under the effects of the Second Chance spell with the following differences: You retain all your equipment stealable or otherwise, you must use your non dominent hand for all tasks you would use your dominent hand for until you are raised normally or alerted otherwise.
You can fill out the site waiver ahead of time here
There will be ample places to keep warm along with warm drinks and soup. There is a resturant on sight for anyone wanting anything other then the soup provided. The resturant has a liquor license so no outside alchol.There will be chemical toilets and running water on sight. Please email with any questions about the site as I am very familiar with it.
158 Deering Center Rd, Weare, NH 03281
Weare, NH 03281
Approximately 80 mins - 68.1 miles
Take I-93 N to NH-114 N in Bedford
Follow NH-114 N to NH-149 W in Weare
158 Deering Center Rd, Weare, NH 03281
You are at AG Paintball
Approximately 30 mins - 18.4 miles
via Clinton St/Rte 13 S and NH-77 W
Fastest route, the usual traffic
Take N Spring St to Clinton St/Rte 13 S
Take NH-77 W to Center Rd in Weare
Turn left onto Center Rd
Continue on NH-77 S. Drive to NH-149 W
158 Deering Center Rd, Weare, NH 03281
You are at AG Paintball