Rhiassa Presents: Echoes of Ragnarok V Asgard
October 26, 2019
Site was UCONN - Hicks Arena - Storrs, CT.
Event Holder was Lani Jones.
Event Description
Greetings, heroes of the Realms, I would like to impress upon you as best I can what our lives have been like since the Black Death attacked us. Even after the last ichor-coated enemy disappeared from Midgard, our struggles had only just begun. The very essence of life had been squeezed out of this world, not so much by the losing war that we fought against our common enemy but by the fact that Ragnarok, which was supposed to give us life anew, was halted in its place. Children have not been born since those days, of man or offspring of livestock. While crops still grow, each year the land becomes less potent, the plants more withered, the food less nourishing. All of these things are harbingers of a truth we found inescapable, that Norland would soon meet its irreversible end. When my Jomsvikings and I first learned of your existence through the work of our soothsayers, hope blossomed for the first time in this fading land. We realized that although our lives would inevitably end in the process, your might and your magic could rekindle the fires of Ragnarok. Norlund would not cease to exist but be reborn from its own destruction as foretold in legends. We rejoiced. Our lives would not be meaningless, the battles we fought, not inconsequential. Our world would survive. This news was not as universally lauded as I had hoped, however. It is in the throws of despair that evil takes root and certainly that was the case here. In Midgard and in the other realms of Norlund there were those who thrived in the chaos left by the war with the Black Death. They had no desire to allow Ragnarok to befall us, they chose their own meager existence over the continued life of the very worlds which they call home. We thought that there was no option except to war against those who would find purchase in these end times. Certainly you acted as our first blades in that war and delivered mighty blows to these nihilistic enemies. But in the years you traveled to our lands, as you spoke to others, even our enemies, as you learned from what you saw and what you achieved, your own experiences and knowledge began to eclipse our own. While we believed the only resource for us was to find destruction through Ragnarok or slowly allow our worlds to fade away, you showed us that there was another way. You pledged yourselves to the cause of saving these lands without their destruction, that our lives might continue, that we might find purpose anew. And then you showed us that these were, in fact, not just honeyed words. You did the unthinkable. Through the path of Mane you forged your own way to Asgard, the land of the gods. Soon you will set foot there and learn from the most powerful beings that have ever existed in Norlund what you must do to achieve your goals and make our lives worth living once again. What lies beyond those gates where our deities once lived is a mystery. We've had scant opportunities to commune with those gods that even still exist after so many were claimed in the war. But certainly if there are any answers for us all, thats where they lie. In mid-Gormanuour you will again set foot in our lands. You will use the transportation we have built for you that you might travel to Mane and from there to the footstep of Asgard. I cannot imagine what more we can do to aid you except to wish you well and pray for your success. What you will learn and what you will do beyond those gates will set the fate of all of those that live in all of the realms of Norlund. It is a heavy duty that you undertake on our behalves but certainly there is no one so worthy as you to bear it. That you can stand shoulder to shoulder with our gods and through doing so forge the fate of our world says everything. Strength and honor, Ulric of the Jomsvikings
Event Wrap-up
Thank you to everyone who came out to Echoes of Ragnarok V. I can honestly say that every single one of you had a profound impact on our ability to tell a story and create an event that will live in my memory forever. When designing this event, we did our best to keep each of you in mind, and create opportunities for you to make decisions that will have very real consequences on the conclusion of this series. And also, we wanted you to have fun. Even after all of these years, I always have the pre-event jitters hoping that you'll enjoy the new things we've tried, and I was blown away by your willingness to engage, your phenomenal attitudes throughout the day, and I walked away from the day exhausted, but extremely satisfied. You have my sincerest gratitude for making that possible. A special thank you to the event staff, for ensuring that this day went off without a hitch. To our NPCs, who travelled from near and far to provide you with epic battles, monstrous waves, and moving glaciers--thank you. I said many times throughout the day that your goal was to ensure that our players had fun, and you took that mission incredibly seriously and made our vision for this event come to fruition. Please join me in thanking: Kyle Yazinka, Tuker Noyes, Nick Quadrini, Tom Gallagher, Dave Hayden, Jeremy Macaluso, David St. Germain, Crystal Roy, Neil Kusleika, Natiliya Kostenko, Joe Sims, Greg Falconer, and Doug Gibbs. I'd also like to thank Ashenmark for loaning us props, Natiliya Kostenko for designing banners for our Dio encounter, and Doug Gibbs for CNC manufacturing the Thor aspect that served as our example for all of you. It is a rare feat for us to start our event on time, but because we had such a great set-up crew, we were able to pull it off. Thank you to Alex Groom, Ben Hamilton, Doug Gibbs, Laura Bushaw, Siona Guthro, and Katie Skeggs for making the trek on Friday and ensuring that we were ready to go get the day. To my fellow Rhiassans, thank you. Our endeavors are only ever successful because of your willingness to work hard, identify what needs to be done, and then go do it. Thank you to Katie Skeggs, Katie Cannamela, and Jen Gallagher for supplying your bellies with delicious food to keep everyone going throughout the evening. Thank you to Alex Groom for keeping us organized through the planning of this event and ensuring that all the details were attended to when I simply didn't have two brain cells to rub together anymore, and for using their mad engineering skills to craft the pieces that were needed to make Norlundscape a success. Thank you to Laura Bushaw for stepping up and making props that made our encounters feel special. Thank you to Ben Hamilton, Katie Cannamela, and Alex Groom for reading the directions and ensuring that behind-the-scenes details were completed without needing to be asked. Thank you to Siona Guthro, Ben Hamilton, Laura Bushaw, Cory Roy, and Katie Skeggs for filling a much needed role as NPCs/staff throughout the day. I could not be prouder of all of you. Lastly, I'd like to thank everyone who came up to me at the end of the event and asked "What can I do next?" until there simply were no more jobs left. Packing up at the end of the event can seem like a daunting task, but each of you made my heart happy, simply because you asked. Thank you. If you haven't figured out by now that we love your feedback and that it drives us to tell a better story, then I'll take a moment to reiterate that we'd love to see your event reviews. We genuinely care about providing you with an excellent experience, and as this story comes to a close, we want to ensure that it is as epic as it can possibly be. Please take a few moments to review the event on RealmsNet. With love, Lani/Jason/Jen
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