Rhiassa Presents: What Lurks Beneath V The Fury of the Flame
November 02, 2013
Site was UCONN - Hicks Arena - Storrs, CT.
Event Holder was Jason T Rosa.
Event Description
Friends and worthy heroes of the Realms, Four years ago, many of you arrived at Cold Springs to help us with what we believed to be a small band of raiding trolls and goblins, helping themselves to the goods in our storehouses before the long winter. We, of course, learned that such a mild assessment of the situation was very incorrect, and in the years of expeditions afterwards, have pieced together a very interesting, and very old story. We know that countless ages ago the trolls in this region were not brutal savages, but rather a thriving, shamanistic, and overall honorable civilization. As all things that were once great must eventually fall, an otherworldly and unknowable evil besieged their city, its origin a mystery. Though they were able to wrest their magics against it, the ultimate conclusion was their destruction as a culture and the partial defeat of the eldritch horror, so depleted that it fell into an impossibly long sleep, deep underground. These legends, forgotten in the aeons that followed, were buried by time and finally by the construction of our country upon these lands. Less than a decade ago, a group of adventurers, seeking undiscovered knowledge of the past, wandered the tunnels underneath Cold Springs. These men and women, the Bronze Explorers, first disturbed the slumbers of the ancient evil as their wanderings caused them to transgress upon the magical prison that helped to hold the creature in stasis. As the mind of the being stirred, the remnants of that ancient civilization, the savage trolls of today, were called to its servitude. They began to prepare for the eventual awakening of their new god, and garbed themselves in its heraldry, calling it The Great Eye. The last few years have seen our continuous struggle against the armies of The Great Eye. Each journey to the underground has pushed us further toward its lair, up until last year where a final confrontation was delayed only by the awakening demon's magical dismissal of the assembled heroes, no doubt out of fear. Now the time comes to march our army for the final time under the streets and sewers of Cold Springs. We will bring final battle to the lair of The Great Eye, now, before its awakening is complete. The smell of brimstone lingers in the deepest parts of our city, and tremors from deep within the earth are a daily occurrence. Any time remaining is most certainly short. Our scouts have not been idle. The passage forward has been sought and prepared for you. We will plan our final assault on the first weekend of November. All who are willing and able to lend aid are welcome, and the spoils of war are yours for the taking. We will see you soon. With much gratitude, Sir Aeston Stromgate
Event Wrap-up
That was a really good five years. When I look back at everything that went into the What Lurks Beneath series of events, I don't so much remember the days of time that went into building a new dungeon, and then fixing the broken pieces year after year. I can't really recall the hours that went into the myriad of props, especially the ones we gave away every time and hopefully ended up in some memorabilia collections. I've mostly forgotten the mistakes and embarrassments that were a part of the overall learning process for all of us. What I do remember was how much fun it was to tell that story. What I do remember is how great it was to watch the latest group of Rhiassans grow up along side this plotline, learning how to plan quests and administer magic, and build props and all of those other dozens of skills that go into these productions. What I do remember is watching the players, over the years, slaughter hundreds upon hundreds of monsters, go toe-to-toe with our puzzles and physical challenges, struggle through boss encounters, and earn every measure of their victories through floor after floor of hard fighting. And sometimes get turned into frogs. That was a really good five years. Thank you to everyone who was a part of it, in all ways, great and small. We closed out the What Lurks Beneath story in the style we were accustomed to. Challenging, non-stop slogging through an endless horde of enemies, light-hearted and engaging challenges, costuming and props and effects that pushed our own limits in a lot of ways. And as always, all of those things can only be done when you have a crew of dedicated people working diligently toward the same goals. We have 27 of those reversible brown/green NPCing tunics. We didn't have enough for all of our NPCs. That is, frankly, amazing. I am humbled that so many of our friends and allies turned out to help staff this event. You truly made it possible to present the players with the level of combat challenge we dreamed of. Thank you to the people of of Grimloch, of Ashenmark, of the Southern Wastes, of Mayerling, of the Oaken Guard and the greater UCONN community, of Suffield practice and points beyond, and of course my loyal Rhiassans. You fought honorably and with little rest for hour after hour of dungeon room. Preparation for an event like this is not easy, and I would be remiss if I did not mention some individuals who went above and beyond to bring this event to fruition. Lani Grayson, for making the newest generation of cloth masks in the new imp style (available for loan very soon!). Alysha Metcalf and Ben Grant for making an amazing fire dragon, and Ben Hamilton and Alex Groom for giving it claws. Heather Magnoli for manufacturing many, many fireballs and planning and orchestrating her fire breathing skills to great effect. John Gouthro and Christine Poulin for fulfilling the menial task of painting many, many boxes. Jeremy Grayson for resuming his role of dungeon engineer. And, of course, my wife, Jennifer DeNardis-Rosa for hours of work along side me on countless little props, and for capturing the entire event on film. And, last but not least, my deepest thanks to all of you who played through our final chapter of What Lurks Beneath, especially those of you who made the journey more than once, and were there for many or all of the years we told the story. Your enjoyments of and reactions to everything we did was what made all of the effort worthwhile. Please review the event. I cannot say for sure what is next for us and how we will use that feedback, but I can promise that the years of experience we gained holding dungeon crawls will not be put to waste. Yeah, it was a really good five years. Time to start planning the next five! Best, Jason
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